Poetic Masochism

O solitary soul,
A lit bone isn't forever;
The charred blood is.
A charming memory isn't forever;
The drowning will is.

O bejeweled body,
A delicious smile isn't forever;
The bruised lip is.
A glassy gaze isn't forever;
The pouring cheek is.

O quaint quill,
A bubbling soda isn't forever;
The suffocating liquor is.
A velvety chocolate isn't forever;
The intoxicating poison is.

O proud parchment,
A braided trumpet isn't forever;
The tangled violin is.
A harmonised chorus isn't forever;
The bombast cacophony is.

O passionate poet,
A perfect world isn't forever;
The hated truthful lie is.
A blissful rendezvous isn't forever;
The inspiration clawing in pain is.



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