The Rebel.

They say
Be that cute girl
With those doll eyes blue;
Poise vibrant,
Lips a crimson hue.
I want to break that shell,
Curiously embrace variety;
Pink eyes and green hair,
Famous for notoriety.

They say
Be that anorexic girl
With waist size zero;
A damsel in distress,
Waiting for some hero.
I want to savor delicacies,
While trotting the globe;
Save myself from bandits,
Donning a knight's robe.

They say
Be that married girl
With a selfless grace;
Preppy in cashmere,
Perfectly groomed in lace.
I want to be risqué,
Flaunt short styles;
Clothing per pleasure,
Not walking those aisles.

They say
Be that absurd girl
With fear of crawlies;
Shrieking at very sight,
Playing with dollies.
I want to laugh aloud,
Taunt men's stupidity;
Kick that football hard,
Run around with fluidity.

They say
Be that doomed girl
With not even a tome;
Bear children many,
Hide in a tiny home.
I want to shine bright,
Burn with intelligence new;
Carefree of any family,
Work outside in debut.

They say
Be that fantasy girl
With royal fairytale blood;
A goddess of cosmic times,
Yet a seemingly dull bud.
I want to live now,
An imperfect cussing mess;
For my wild side,
Beautifies me no less.

They say
Be that forgotten girl
With suppressed endeavor;
A smiley greet,
Opinion formed never.
I want to soar across,
Beyond impossible skies;
Murder shy fairies,
Explore witty lies.

They say
Be that obedient girl
With dead thinking;
Dreams no more,
Following society unblinking.
I want to fly high,
Never look down;
Make no limits my motto,
Rebellious freedom my crown.

