A Contemplating Wanderer

In that lonely summer night,
Her gloomy heart weeps,
Under the misty moonlight,
She denounces her dreams. 

Her sparkling wet eyes try,
Their very best to hide,
The horrible agony,
She's been feeling inside. 

Just her corpse lies here,
For her mind lingers elsewhere,
Even doomed fate loses,
When she gives it a steer. 

Endless sighs echo around,
This mystique aura is surreal,
For whoever there shall exist now,
There has to be an underlying reel. 

All the conflicts, innumerable inner revolts,
Pave way and at last, the cruel truth dawns,
For who she was, a sudden aroma of darkness,
The blood of light she bore, unfazed and regardless.

~Juhi S.
