Is It "Still Time"?

What is this "still time"?

Is it stopped only for me?
Or is it moving for you?

Is it this weird deja-vu to me?
Or is it a lost girl thinking to you?

Is it time for my deepest ponderings?
Or is it the time to finish your mundane tasks?

Is it heartache for my already broken heart?
Or is it some trigger for you to rant about?

Is it nostalgia and bittersweet memories on my behalf?
Or is it the forgotten past that you oh-so-ever dramatise?

Is it the needy hour for my future self?
Or is it the impulsively wasted moments that you'll detest?

Is it a premonition or omen that I can sense?
Or is it just a regular happening in the lives of others?

Is it okay to stare into this emptiness alone?
Or is it necessary to have company to fill this void?

Is it foolish to keep rambling on and on right now?
Or is it wise to collect my thoughts for your sake and sanity?

Yes, stopped may be this old clock,
With no more tick-tick, tick-tock.
But it has unlocked this rusty lock;
Reviving the creativity in this somewhere hidden rock.

I suppose this is what "Still Time" is for me.
It's time for my creative thought renewal,
If not the same for thee.



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